Terms and conditions:
  • Credit up to 100 million
  • Car deposit
  • Decision within 1 day
  • Loan for any purpose

This is a loan for owners of motor vehicles

Get a loan in 4 steps
  • Application

    Apply online

  • Contact

    Our expert contacts you for further details

  • Decision

    We notify you about the decision and you take the loan in cash or transfer to account

  • Collateral

    If collateral is needed, we register it

Get a loan in 4 steps
Loan calculator
Uzbek soum
Monthly installment
Uzbek soum
Full loan cost

The calculation is approximate, is for informational purposes and meets the conditions that the client repays the loan in equal annuity payments.

  • Fast

    Decision in 1 day

  • Affordable

    No hidden fees

  • Simple

    No collateral up to 70 m Uzbek soum

  • Safe

    Confidentiality of information

Low interest, great opportunities!


Personal data


information recorded on electronic, paper and (or) other tangible media relating to specific individuals or making it possible to identify them

Processing of personal data


implementation of one or a combination of actions to collect, systematize, store, change, supplement, use, provide, distribute, transfer, depersonalize and destroy personal data

Personal database operator (operator)


state body, individual and (or) legal entity processing personal data

Subject of personal data


an individual to whom the personal data relates



The purpose of the Privacy policy is to explain how your personal data is processed by the microcredit company “MIKROMOLIYA TASHKILOTI OASISCREDIT” (hereinafter – OASIS) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the Uzbek Law “On Personal Data”.

You, as a Personal Data Subject, may interact with OASIS in the following cases:

– as a client (even after the termination of the contractual relationship), as well as a potential client;

– as a representative of the client, his guarantor and/or collateral owner;

– as a person with whom OASIS carries out one-time transactions;

– as a contact person, employee and/or an individual appointed by the client (even after termination of the contractual relationship);

– as an employee of OASIS, including a potential candidate;

– as a visitor to the OASIS website;

– as an individual who filed an appeal with OASIS and does not fall into the categories listed above.


Purposes of processing your personal data

In the cases described above, OASIS receives (collects) and processes your personal data for the following purposes:

– manage the relationship with you, in particular the provision of products and services;

– performance of the contract(s) to which you and OASIS are parties;

– for direct and indirect marketing purposes, including learning how you and other customers use OASIS products and services;

– implementation of secure transactions with funds: at the cash desk, by transfer, card, POS-terminal, payment terminal, etc.

– debt collection, including the exercise and/or protection of rights in court or in other bodies;

– handling inquiries, appeals, complaints, petitions, investigations regarding activities, products and services, or employees of OASIS;

– detection, investigation, accounting and prevention of financial crimes, fraud facts;

– implementation of relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

IMPORTANT! The processing of personal data in any of the above cases is not aimed at harming your interests. As a Personal Data Operator, OASIS guarantees confidentiality and undertakes:

– ensure the confidentiality and protection of your personal data;

– not use your personal data for illegal purposes.


Processing of personal data when approving loans

OASIS may use your personal data when making a decision on your loan application. This process is called creditworthiness assessment. It may also use your data from previous years.

When applying for a loan, OASIS evaluates your data, including by sending a request to organizations such as the Credit Bureau, for the following purposes:

– confirm that you can service your credit obligations;

– check the information provided by you for correctness;

– to detect and prevent financial fraud.

During and after fulfillment of all credit obligations by you to OASIS, this information is also transmitted to the Credit Bureau.


Types of personal data

OASIS in its work may process the following personal data:

Identification data


– full name

– personal identification number of an individual

– series and number of the identity document

– date and place of birth

– sex

– citizenship

Contact details


– address of registration, residence

– phone number

– e-mail address

– contact and identification data for remote means of communication

– other contact information that OASIS receives about you from letters, emails, and during communication with you

Social and family data


– marital status

– profession

– occupation

– place of work, name of employer

– professional training

– nature of activity

– government positions held

Financial information required for solvency assessment


– types of income and expenses

– information about payments to and from your account

– information related to your credit history

– other information provided by organizations such as the Credit Bureau

– data on movable/immovable property

– other

Data on contractual relations


– information about products and services provided to you by OASIS and other banking and non-banking credit organizations

– information about how you use OASIS products and services

Data about your image and voice


– image contained in identity documents or captured by CCTV cameras in OASIS offices

– voice, including in recordings of telephone conversations

– both, in the case of OASIS commercials in which you agree to participate as a client

Special personal data


The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Personal Data” defines some types of personal data as special, namely:

– data on racial or social origin

– political, religious or ideological beliefs

– membership in political parties and trade unions

– physical or mental health

– personal information and criminal records

Such special personal data may be processed by OASIS only with your written consent, or if they serve the purposes strictly defined by the Law.


Lawful basis for processing your personal data

OASIS processes personal data based on Article 18 of the Law “On Personal Data” in the following cases:

– with the consent of the subject to the processing of these data, i.e., with your consent;

– the need to process this data in order to fulfill a contract to which the subject is a party, or to take measures at the request of the subject before concluding such an agreement;

– the need to process this data to fulfill the obligations of the owner and (or) operator, determined by law;

– the need to process this data to protect the legitimate interests of the subject or another person;

– the need to process these data to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the owner and (or) operator or a third party or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and legitimate interests of personal data subjects are not violated;

– processing these data for statistical or other research purposes, subject to mandatory depersonalization of personal data;

– if these data are obtained from publicly available sources.

In accordance with the Law, you have the right to request from OASIS the following information about the use of your personal data:

– what data is processed in relation to you;

– what are the legal grounds and purpose of processing your personal data;

– how data is processed and to whom.

Also, in accordance with the Law “On Personal Data”, you have the right to demand changes (including updating, addition), blocking, deletion or destruction of your personal data if they turn out to be incomplete, incorrect, outdated, or if the collection and processing of data is carried out illegally. At the same time, the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan may prevent the immediate deletion of your personal data.

For example, such a restriction may be within the framework of the laws on anti-money laundering of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.


Sources of obtaining your personal data

OASIS may receive data about you from the following sources:

Information received from you:

– when applying for the use of OASIS products and/or services;

– during a telephone conversation with OASIS employees, or during a visit to one of the OASIS branches;

– when using the websites and/or mobile applications of OASIS;

– when sending letters to the OASIS address by regular mail, or in the form of electronic messages.

Information obtained from third parties:

OASIS has the right to request and receive information from third parties, stored in their electronic databases, including but not limited to:

– Credit Bureau “Credit Information Analytical Center”;

– Pledge registry of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

– Single portal of interactive public services;

– Open data portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Information obtained with the help of Cookies:

“Cookies” are pieces of text created by the browser on the OASIS website (as well as other websites) that you visit.

With the help of cookies, the website stores information about your visit, such as your preferred language and/or other settings. In this way, subsequent visits become easier. Cookies play a significant role. Without them, using the Internet would be much more difficult.

OASIS collects information about Cookies, visitor navigation and website behavior, in particular:

– IP address, device type, operating system, and browser you use to visit the website;

– pages opened through the OASIS website, session duration and other parameters;

– information about the actions performed on the OASIS website: filling out forms, using interactive elements of the site, etc.

– the process, time, and method of filling in the site fields.


Before you start using the website, you can accept Cookies and confirm tracking information about you by clicking on the “I agree” button.

If you do not agree to the Cookie Policy, while you still have the opportunity to use the OASIS website, this action will still be considered as consent to the use of Cookies.

If you wish to restrict or block Cookies on the OASIS website, you can do so by changing your browser settings. However, please note that some of the services offered by OASIS on the website will not be available if you block or delete Cookies.


Disclosure of personal data through transfer to third parties

To achieve the goals listed in chapter 2 of this Policy, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, OASIS may transfer some or all categories of your personal data to the following recipients:

– to their employees in certain departments;

– state institutions for supervision of non-bank credit activities;

– to state bodies (for example, the State Tax Committee, or the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Uzbekistan);

– institutions organized like the Credit Bureau;

– bailiffs, public notaries, auditors;

– courts;

– contractual partners and service providers, such as: printing services, IT and telecommunications, debt collection services, various outsourcing companies (external companies that perform part of the OASIS functions), etc.

Also, OASIS may decide to sell, transfer or combine parts of its business or assets, which will entail the transfer of all or part of your personal data to third parties (successors, partners, etc.).

However, before such data transfer, OASIS conducts an adequate assessment when choosing third parties, and imposes an obligation on them to comply with obligations to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Terms of storage of personal data

In accordance with the law, the terms of storage (including archiving) of personal data are determined by the date the goals of their collection and processing are achieved and may differ depending on the type of data. For example:

– the data specified by you in the loan application, including those processed by OASIS for the purpose of anti-money laundering and combating terrorism, is stored by OASIS for 3 years from the date of signing the loan application, if such an application is refused, and for 5 years from the date of termination of credit relations if the credit agreement is concluded after the approval of the credit application;

– data processed for the purpose of recruitment will be kept by OASIS until the completion of the recruitment process for the vacant position;

– data processed with the consent of the data subjects for the purpose of transmitting advertising messages will be processed until the business relationship with OASIS is terminated or until the respective consent is withdrawn.

You always have the right to restrict the use of your personal data or ask OASIS to delete, remove or stop using your personal data if you see that there are no legal grounds for keeping it.


Final provisions

If you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy and the processing of personal data, you can contact OASIS employees using the communication channels below.